Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blade Runner

Staring Harrison Ford as "Rick Deckard".  He plays the part of a cop that is own as a Blade Runner.  the Blade Runners job is to track down run away clones or applicants as they are called in the movie and kill them.  He as retired and is called back into service to track down 4 replicants that hijacked a space ship and returned to earth in search of their creator.  If your a fan of 1980's SiFi you know this movie!  Its a classic Harrison Ford movie and has a huge fan following.  There are tons of web site and discussion boards on the topic.  There is also rumor that they are going to remake it.  I'm not a big fan of the remakes.  If they are going to remake this one, they have a real challenge in front of them.