Released July 3, 1985. This was perfect timing because this is an all American movie released the day before the 4th of July. Staring Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, he meets a crazy scientist by the name of Dr. Emmett Brown, played my Christopher Lloyds who builds a time machine. Marty travel back in time and accidentally prevents his parents from falling in love. Now he has to fix it!. There are two sequels Back to the Future II and Back to the Future III, I love the first one the most. The next two are OK, but they're not my favorite. If you haven't seen his movie, you need to!
This is another one of those movies that just blows my mind that you cant watch in instantly on Netflix. You can get it on DVD but you have to wait a few day. Its worth it. If you have Apple TV you can rent it. Over all I would give this one a 9 out of 10.